I ran a marathon today. Well, not a full marathon and not even a half marathon, a quarter marathon? It was part of the 5peaks Trail Running Series. I ran eleven kilometers around Buntzen Lake in one hour and eleven minutes. The last time I competed in a race would have been in high school. I’ve always enjoyed running, mostly as a way to stay fit. It also gives me time alone to think and visualize or to do the opposite, clear my head. When I was a kid my dad would go for early morning jogs, play some tennis as the sun came up or played basketball or soccer. Always running around.

No early morning jogs for me lately though. Now I head out just before getting the little one down to sleep. It’s been close to two and half years since he was born and I’m slowly finding moments of balance, albeit temporary. The return to running has been a great catalyst for more change. I also look forward to the return of regular basketball nights but right now my sore calves are reminding me of today’s little personal feat. I’d like to thank Jenny Q for suggesting we run the race together and being a great training buddy.

So after about a month of training and this race, I’m committed again to keep running regularly. The experience was great. It was well organized with a great looking group of health conscious and supportive people. The course was challenging with some highlight views of the lake. It also had some killer hills to climb that kicked my ass a couple of times, but as I hit the half way mark crossing the bridge, I knew I was home free. Gone were the most excruciating parts of the trail, the hills. Soon I would hear the sounds of the people and the p.a. system by the finishing line. I was set to finish the second half of the race non-stop until I hit the forgotten incline which gassed me half way up, after givn’er for the second half of the race. Once on top of the slope, I set back on my pace a bit winded but feeling good. I figured I had another fifteen minutes to go until a sign up ahead read 1 KM TO GO.

I had the biggest smile on my face; I was on the verge of major vaklemptness! It was a blissful moment. I kept it together as my right leg was starting to hurt a bit from the knee down. Probably some strain from maneuvering through the wet rocks and trees stumps. I managed to dig deep and pour it on a bit more passing one last runner before heading around the corner to the beach. I see the end in sight and then like a dream I hear my name over the PA system “Joseph Peeneareaaaoooo.” I’m smiling (or wincing) as I cross the finish line where I’m congratulated by family and my great friend Dorian. It was awesome. Felt amazing. A rush. They removed my chip timer from my shoe and then I guzzled my water and nutrients.

Jenny and I managed to get in two practice runs at the lake leading up to race day but it was a completely different experience running with so many people on the trail together. It was like they were running with me, not against me. We were all connected energy through the course. Looking out for one another, cheering each other on. I loved it.
Note to self, more hill training next time!! Happy trails everyone.

Good on you mate! A job well done! Congrats on putting in the time and the effort to see this through. Uncle Amie...