Well, that was a nice long nap. Long enough for both the Netherlands and Germany to feel the wrath of the Portuguese boot. A small selfish break for myself. Time is so very precious. I have my deep meditative states of thinking where I'm constantly battling all the things I could do versus taking in the moment for what it is. Stopping to smell the flowers as they say. When you have a two year old around you all day, growing and learning at the speed of light, all you can do sometimes is add water and smell his flowers.
So as previously mentioned, I am wondering about his late night trips into our bed over the last month. Since he graduated from his crib to the bed our 'nightlife' has undertaken another change. The first few times in the new bed he would come out a dozen times for no reason, except that he could. I decided to start cutting out his afternoon nap which meant no break for me during the day but it resulted in him staying in his bed and falling asleep faster. Great news I thought but then out of nowhere he started coming into our bed in the middle of the night. It doesn't really bother us because first of all we don't feel him come into our bed and by the time we do realize, after having his feet repeatedly kick us, by then it is almost time to get up. We've talked to him about staying in his bed which he simply repeats back "sleep in Mom & Dad's bed'.
I guess we'll just keep monitoring this new development. At least he's rocking the potty like a champ because sneaking into our bed and pissing on my leg would be another story. No one wants to smell the flowers when they're covered in piss.
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